Projeto “Mostra tua força Brasil” patrocinado por KORESE: ajudando ás crianças de Morro de São Paulo a se tornarem bilíngues.”
KORESE is proud of having the opportunity to support and patronize English classes of Brazilian children aged between 10 and 14 years.
Between 8 and 10 girls and boys from the poorest milieu are currently taking part in the weekly course. The initiative is of special personal interest to Frank Aschentrup, owner of KORESE, as he has been connected closely with Brazil for over 20 years now.
Morro de Sao Paulo, a Peninsula south of Salvador de Bahia, Brazil’s first capital, made a lot of efforts within the last years to develop touristic infrastructure and to become more
attractive for international tourism.
Nowadays it is one of the most traveled destinations in Brazil – not just for the Brazilians, also for foreigners.
Tourism became one of the most important employers for locals at Morro de Sao Paulo, whereby the priority of Adaption and Participation increases for every local to benefit from this change and not become left behind.
As the local public educational system unfortunately still is quite limited KORESE decided to sponsor private English classes for those children who are willing to take extra efforts to achieve better qualification and thus improve the occupational Perspective.
This support is given in close cooperation with KORESE’s Brazilian partner agency in Rio de Janeiro, COVEMUN.
The project “‘Mostra tua força Brasil” was originated in 2014 and we are more than happy to proclaim, that it has already arose to a great success.
We are very keen on exploring the Progress and the Achievements of those children in the following months of education and are proud to be part of something sustainable and beneficial. Thereby we are trying to contribute our portion of taking social responsibility.
In the meanwhile, as the carnival break has just finished, the children are preparing short videos introducing the major places of interest of their region.
See how we learned colours: School_movie