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+ - Where can I book my flights?

You can choose any of your preferred tools (Travel Agency, Website, Airline)

+ - Where can I order my Congress-Registration?

Please use the given link to the official Congress-Website.

+ - Can I choose my Hotel on my own?

In case you are using an „Education Grant Voucher“, the only granted booking would be though the given link „HOTEL BOOKING“.

+ - Which costs will be refunded?

Travel Expenses such as flight tickets, train tickets, taxi and parking within your given Budget; please check the information provided on your Voucher.

+ - How and when will the costs be reimbursed?

According to the above listed procedure within 30 days after submission.

+ - Which documents/receipts will be needed (E-Tix, Boarding Pass, Badge etc..)?

Documents for your eTicket & Boarding Pass, Congress Registration receipt & other receipts to be reimbursed

+ - What happens after the voucher validation date has lapsed?

The entitlement to receive the mentioned services will lapse.

+ - What happens after the early registration fee has lapsed?

The surcharge to the higher registration fee is subject to self-payment

+ - What happens if my expenses exceed/fall below the given budget?

Your Voucher displays the maximum amount of reimbursement and no balance will be disbursed

+ - Can the voucher be transferred to another participant?

No, but it can be returned to us.

+ - How can I change/cancel my hotel booking?

Please feel free to contact the KORESE Team under +49 751 560 530 or send an E-Mail to and mention your Voucher Number.

+ - How can I extend my stay?

Please feel free to contact the KORESE Team under +49 751 560 530 or send an E-Mail to and mention your Voucher Number.

+ - Can I bring someone with me?

Yes, all additional charges for double use and extensions are subject to self-payment.

+ - Who covers cancellation fees?

The Grant Donor

+ - How can I receive necessary documents for VISA requests?
Please check with your local Embassy if you are unsure whether you require a Visa to enter the specific country.
KORESE can provide an accommodation confirmation letter for the hotel that we have arranged as part of your attendance.
Please ensure you have allowed enough time to apply and receive your Visa before you travel.
+ - The link or the application does not work, who can I contact?
Please feel free to contact the KORESE Team under +49 751 560 530 or send an E-Mail to and mention your Voucher Number.
+ - What happens to my personal data?
In respect of the German Data Protection Act, your data will not be provided to third parties without your permission.

We would like to explain questions that have arisen frequently in our “Questions & Answers” page.








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