+ - Where can I book my flights?
You can choose any of your preferred tools (Travel Agency, Website, Airline)
+ - Where can I order my Congress-Registration?
Please use the given link to the official Congress-Website.
+ - Can I choose my Hotel on my own?
In case you are using an „Education Grant Voucher“, the only granted booking would be though the given link „HOTEL BOOKING“.
+ - Which costs will be refunded?
Travel Expenses such as flight tickets, train tickets, taxi and parking within your given Budget; please check the information provided on your Voucher.
+ - How and when will the costs be reimbursed?
According to the above listed procedure within 30 days after submission.
+ - Which documents/receipts will be needed (E-Tix, Boarding Pass, Badge etc..)?
Documents for your eTicket & Boarding Pass, Congress Registration receipt & other receipts to be reimbursed
+ - What happens after the voucher validation date has lapsed?
The entitlement to receive the mentioned services will lapse.
+ - What happens after the early registration fee has lapsed?
The surcharge to the higher registration fee is subject to self-payment
+ - What happens if my expenses exceed/fall below the given budget?
Your Voucher displays the maximum amount of reimbursement and no balance will be disbursed
+ - Can the voucher be transferred to another participant?
No, but it can be returned to us.
+ - How can I change/cancel my hotel booking?
Please feel free to contact the KORESE Team under +49 751 560 530 or send an E-Mail to info@korese.com and mention your Voucher Number.
+ - How can I extend my stay?
Please feel free to contact the KORESE Team under +49 751 560 530 or send an E-Mail to info@korese.com and mention your Voucher Number.
+ - Can I bring someone with me?
Yes, all additional charges for double use and extensions are subject to self-payment.
+ - Who covers cancellation fees?
The Grant Donor
+ - How can I receive necessary documents for VISA requests?
KORESE can provide an accommodation confirmation letter for the hotel that we have arranged as part of your attendance.
+ - The link or the application does not work, who can I contact?
+ - What happens to my personal data?
We would like to explain questions that have arisen frequently in our “Questions & Answers” page.