About me
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I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your partnership. Your team has been instrumental in helpful us to identify, secure and execute world class educational programs. It is truly a delight working with you and the entire Korese staff. I look forward to our continued working relationship.
Lillian Garcia Palmer
Senior Executive Director, Global Education
“What a great organization to work with! Professional, friendly and exceptional service their top priority! A 10 out of 10 for KORESE."
Robbie Nel
General Manager, South Africa & Sub-Saharan Africa
“Many thank, for the outstanding support and the professional guidance in execution. Always a pleasure to work with you as in the past 10 years.”
Dieter Plünnecke
Marketing Communication
"Ein großes Dankeschön für die klasse Unterstützung, die unkomplizierte, schnelle Umsetzung und den Spaß den wir bei unseren bisherigen Projekten hatten."
Lena Wolf
Senior Product Manager EP DACH
"Besten Dank für die klasse Unterstützung und schön, dass dies so unkompliziert und schnell umgesetzt wurde."
Kai Brunner
Head of Corporate Congress & Academy VI
Contact Me
For your services. Web&graphic design, digital marketing and consulting.